

十大正规博彩网站评级ing us for the latest edition of MD Culture Club is global software consultancy Thoughtworks.

We spoke to three members of their team to find out exactly what it's like to work there. 

Renee Hawkins, Head of Professional Services


Thoughtworks is a leading global technology consultancy that integrates strategy, 设计和软件工程,使全球的企业和技术颠覆者能够茁壮成长为现代数字企业. 

Our culture has evolved over the past 28 years, with changes in ownership and going public; through this, 公司宗旨, known internally as the Thoughtworks ‘WHY’ remains constant, Thoughtworks的存在是为了通过我们的文化和卓越的技术对世界产生非凡的影响. We live our core values; inclusivity, integrity and the pursuit of excellence. 我们相信,在促进积极的社会变革和倡导公平的未来的同时,培养一个充满活力的多元化和充满激情的技术专家社区,并成为我们客户及其雄心勃勃的使命的出色合作伙伴.

While technology is what we all have in common, we believe that no matter who you are or how you identify, 你值得尊重, empathy and equal opportunities to succeed. 我们努力工作,以确保Thoughtworks的每个人——以及与我们一起工作的每个人——都能得到这样的待遇. 我们相信,每个人都应该把真实的自己带到工作中,复杂问题的最佳解决方案来自不同的心态和经验.


We were able to quickly move to remote working at the start of the pandemic. We already had access to tools that allowed us to collaborate virtually. The biggest challenge was how to stay connected in a remote environment. We found ways to connect remotely with a week of connection building, doing virtual wellbeing activities such as mindfulness watercolour, 大笑瑜伽, 龚浴, vegan baking and a mindset and movement session.

每天都是这样, we had a strong focus on wellbeing and mental health during remote working; account check-ins, surveys and leadership held ‘office hours’ where employees could drop in for a chat. 随着办公室重新开业, 我们正在寻找一种混合工作模式, where employees come into offices to collaborate but do independent work from home. 

How does the company go above and beyond to attract and retain tech talent?

Talent is key in a professional services business. We have a strong brand recognised in the tech industry; we continue to build on this brand with our campaigns that align closely with our culture. We recently reviewed our benefits leading to a number of improvements, 包括提高产假工资, time off for fertility treatment and better access to mental health resources. 我们最近重新审视了我们的薪酬和总奖励,以确保我们在市场上具有竞争力.  

We are continuing to drive diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&我)的努力. 我们的第一个妇女和代表性不足的少数民族(UGM)发展方案也于去年启动. 我们进行了“留下来”面试,以更好地了解我们如何在瞬息万变的工作环境和竞争激烈的人才市场中支持和留住员工.

What does the future look like for the company and its employees?

我们正处在持续增长的过程中. 我们最近在纽卡斯尔开设了业务,以补充我们在全球最大的博彩平台和伦敦的团队. We are always continually improving our employee experience, looking at remaining competitive in the market. 我们为我们对学习和发展的关注感到自豪,并将继续投资于员工的能力,使其与我们对数据的业务关注保持一致, DevOps, 产品和数字化转型.



I’m a Business Analyst (BA) at Thoughtworks. ba帮助客户获取需求并将其可视化,以确保团队中的每个人都理解项目是什么, and so that the customer receives what has been agreed. This is typically done through discoveries and inceptions. 在发展阶段, 然后,我们获取需求,并将用户旅程和项目细节构建到开发团队可以处理的故事中. 通过这个过程, we need to monitor the project carefully to ensure that value is being added to the end-user. There’s a lot more to the role and that’s the great thing about it. As a Thoughtworker there’s even more you can get involved in, 这取决于你, 每个人在整个公司中的角色都是独一无二的,并且超出了你的工作描述.

What was it about the organisation that attracted you to the role?

I’m a career switcher and I’ve worked in retail for 17 years. 我渴望改变,但在我这个年纪,价值观对我来说是工作中最重要的方面. 换工作和换公司可能会让人望而生畏,我在上一家公司工作了11年,所以很难离开你所知道的. 找到一家具有强烈社会价值观和健康工作环境的公司是我的首要任务, 其次, 是角色. Thoughtworks的一位朋友曾经和我一起工作过,他主动向我提出申请成为一名文学士. The problem solving, people interaction and the variation in the work was compelling. 它提供了我在上一家公司喜欢的工作的所有部分,加上一个鼓励员工提问的工作场所, 在自己的角色中成长,推动自己. 

Can you describe the onboarding process you’ve experienced?

I joined as a graduate so I went through Thoughtworks University (TWU). 作为一个职业转换者,对软件开发行业了解不多,这是最理想的. 没有人期望我了解所有的事情,我周围的一群人来自不同的背景,他们也在学习. 在Thoughtworks经验丰富的员工的指导下,他们鼓励我成为一名文学士,并为我做好了准备. It was a busy time and I felt out of my depth but I never felt alone, even though I was the only BA in the intake. 在这之后, I wasn’t staffed onto a project immediately and that allowed me to reflect on my time in TWU, this was an important step that I failed to see at the time but looking back, 这个时期很重要. When I joined a project as the sole BA I still didn’t feel alone, the support and encouragement I experienced in TWU was still there from those around me. This gives you a lot of confidence and really helps you grow in-role. 我现在有了第三个账户,我还在学习,但知道我有思想工作者的支持,离开我的舒适区会更容易.

Ele Cooper,商业分析师


I’m currently working as a Business Analyst,  在专业服务领域, working on a large account in the public sector. 我的团队大约由11人组成,我在团队中的角色是在产品/业务领域工作,帮助塑造项目的未来. 同样在技术领域,与开发人员一起完成故事的日常交付. I have been a Business Analyst for around two years, 以下是ThoughtWorks大学, 在此之前,我在全球最大的博彩平台Thoughtworks担任了三年的办公室和社区经理. 

You’ve been at the company for a number of years, can you tell me what has kept you at the company for so long?

我一直留在Thoughtworks,因为这里的文化赋予员工自主权——我喜欢被授权做出自己的选择,并与他人一起寻找最佳解决方案. Also, I have stayed because of the opportunities afforded to me in my career progression. I joined as the office and community manager for our office in Manchester. After taking on lots of interesting and exciting projects in that role, 我决定成为一名文学士,Thoughtworks在这次冒险中支持和鼓励了我. There are also opportunities to travel to and work in other countries with Thoughtworks, 通过长期任务, 能够搬到国外工作是我重新接受文学士培训的主要原因,我期待着在海外生活. 

What would you say to a person considering joining the company?

I would say that Thoughtworks has a strong culture, with many fantastic and interesting people to work with and learn from. There are opportunities for career growth and progression and travel. 你会感到被倾听和尊重,如果你的需求和愿望与Thoughtworks一致,那就去做吧. 

要了解更多全球最大的博彩平台Thoughtworks的信息, 点击这里.

如果你是会员,想参加我们的文化俱乐部系列的未来版本, 请联系 thom@78278.net.

